they've always told me I should write a book of my random thoughts

Friday, February 18, 2005

All About You

Why is it that when some people are stressed because they have a test the next day, others are considerate and will be relatively quite, concerned that they might be interupting your studying ability and they might even encourage them to go to a more secluded place where their studying abilities might be put to better use eventually giving them better success on their outcome? However, when I have the third big test in a row and TWO really hard quizzes the next day, I get told that I'm being a b**** because I was ever-so-slightly mean to you and get so much noise that I can't even think straight much less study and no concern whatsoever that I might fail my test and the two quizzes all of which I need to really well on to keep my grades up in order to no get denied to my last year of school. It really is becoming more and more about you every day, with less and less consideration sometimes for the people that used to be the closest to you. It's all about your problems and if anyone else has problems or get even slightly stessed out, well, then they're just being a b****!


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