they've always told me I should write a book of my random thoughts

Friday, August 03, 2007


I am tired of flirting. I am tired of not knowing if there might be something similar on the other end. I'm tired of leaving tiny hints, at least I think they're hints, maybe they're not obvious enough. But then again if there are no reciprocal feelings I don't want to too blunt and ruin what could be a perfectly good friendship. You remember random things that other people don't, like how I really missed daffodils in March and so you showed me the ones you had grown a month later, and that I really like tomatoes and so you tell me when they're actually growing, that all my plants die, well okay most people know that one. You remember when I work weekends even though I haven't said anything for an entire week; my roommate doesn't even do that until I'm walking out the door on Saturday afternoon. Just get over being shy and ask me to go somewhere, a movie, dinner, free concert in the park... I don't really care. Would it help if I told you that I would say yes if you ask me out? Because then that whole fear of rejection problem is ruled out.

Patience might be a virtue but it sure does suck sometimes. I know there's a plan for my life that only God knows and sometimes I feel like I should be perfectly content with living a life of a single female for the rest of my life (maybe without the cats). I mean, it's not like my life is hard. I work at a job that I thoroughly enjoy, minus the usually work crap that happens everywhere, and I'm good at it and it pays really well for being right out of college. I don't necessarily need anyone else to support me. And I have friends, quite a few of them, in several different places. But some days I just want a guy to walk up to the front door with a bunch daffodils and daisies and say "Hey, I'm the one that you're suppose to spend the rest of your life with. Let's get married." And my response would be "Tonight or a short engagement?" And we'd live happily ever after. Or as my friend's student once said "Aplieverater" (or something like that.)

This kind of reminds me of the saying someone found written on a wooden railing or deck somewhere: "My knight in shining armor turned out to be a jerk in aluminum foil."


Blogger Beth said...

Welcome to adulthood. Sounds like what I have thought for 10 years or so.

5:17 AM


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