they've always told me I should write a book of my random thoughts

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I frequently make calls on my way home from school, since my cell phone doesn't work at my aunt and uncle's house and it's a hour and a half of every day in which you can only sing to the radio for so long until you're bored. So most of the time I call my best friend, Cynthia. One, she'll let me complain about people but I doubt she's really listening then because shs always tends to be doing something else (driving, changing clothes, nailing holes in her wall). Two, even though I call her swallow for them, she always has funny little tid-bits about people the have e-mailed her, called her, she saw someone that resembled them, dreamed about them, or this person said something about that person while that person was commenting on that girl who likes this guy. ( I like mentally refer to Cynthia as my contact that keeps me in touch with the public (or grounded to earth and not mars), because if she didn't tell me these things I'd isolate myself in lab or a kitchen and loose touch with everyone I've met in the past four years. Oh, and become that weird lady with cats.) Three, she doesn't think I'm weird, well, okay maybe she does but in a funny, tolerable weird; not an oh-my-gosh-can't-hang-around-hear-or-we'll-get-weird-cooties weird. Four, she lets me win most petty arguments; it comes from the gift of being the youngest of three girls. So this last reason is beginning to come in handy. Recently, every conversation I have with Cynthia has been turning into a game of "Who Should Get the Pity Today?". The way it works is by one of us splurting out one thing makes our respect situation pitiful, and then the next person goes, and it goes back and forth until one of us gives up, or really does feel more sorry for the other. You've really got the advantage if you can get out like three in a row. So here's what they mainly consist of:

Cynthia's Argument:
* I live at home, with my parents who occasionally drive me insane
* I eat lunch with my mom everyday (which she loses because her mom also buys, and I would love to have lunch with my mom everyday)
* I work in the most boring city in the world and live in the smallest
* The only cute guys that I see are frat boys who are probably only 18
* Chick-fill-A has been closed for two weeks so I can't get breakfast (which she's going to lose because the drive-through is open again, so her goal of clogging her arteries before she's 35 is back on schedule)
* All of my friends all live at least an least an hour away
* Everyone in Birmingham gets to go out with each other at least once a week and I don't have anyone to go anywhere with or anywhere to go (well, actually I don't either, but I'm not really complaining about that)
* I never hear any of the good gossip anymore, like who likes Justin now
* I have to wear a suit or dress up and wear heels forty hours a week (she won this point)
* I'm only attracted to guys that look like future presidents and care too much about themselves... oh and they have to play golf (haha, okay that one was mostly an embellishment on my part, put pretty funny if you could picture her reaction to it right now.)

My Argument:
* I live so far out that I don't get cell phone service within three miles of the house
* I only see my aunt and uncle about 3 days every two weeks
* There's a spoiled, old miniature dog and I'm a cat person
* There are a total of three fast-food restaurants in town, and they're fifteen minutes away over the bridge, that's how small Tallassee is.
* I go to school about forty hours a week and then have to come home and study about three hours every night
* I have at least one test, if not two or three, every Friday that are at least 100 questions long
* I'm still in school
* I drive 45 mins to-and-from class everyday
* I see the same thirteen people everyday (except saturday and sunday) in the same tiny classroom; now, you tell me if there wouldn't be some conflicts between at least some of us
* In four months, I have NO idea where I'll be living or working because our program director won't tell us
* I joined a gym and worked out like you're suppose to and didn't lose a thing, I even dieted pretty well for part of it (Cynthia's one of those people that all she eats is chicken finger and fries and never exercises but she'll lose five pounds in two months; I'm waiting for it to all catch up to her)
* I have no prospects for a date because they're all dating someone or they don't meet my standards (I tend to be kind of picky... oh, and my first cat's name is going to be Frederick and the second will be Jasmine)
* I look through a microscope everyday at things that normal people find disgusting ( I find them kind of intriguing)
* I can't grow plants, but I can sure grow bacteria (which is keeping my grade in microbiology up right now)
* I have to draw blood from people and I'm afraid of needles
* In about 10 months I have to take a registry, which I have to pass or the last 5 years of my life will have been a waste

So needless to say, I usually win, even though this is my blog and I tend to be a little bias. I mean, who does she think she's messing with; I am the founder and president of the PP club ( the Poor Pitiful Me club.. the M added didn't sound as funny). But it is a fun game and I guess this time next year, I'll probably be the one losing, that is if I do pass my registry and get a job. But as for now, I am the champion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seriously need to get out more.

Oh - and if you do live in Atlanta, there are no cats allowed in the house - unless you want to pay a pet deposit.

1:36 PM

Blogger Beth said...

And besides, you know that Rebecca never lets anyone else win any game.

9:14 AM


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