they've always told me I should write a book of my random thoughts

Monday, April 18, 2005

Establishing My Individuality

I've had several things happen recently that has really made me stop and think: about who I am, about what I want to be, but mostly about what I believe. I realize that I am only 21-years-old and still have a lot of growing up to do, but I believe that I am slowly discovering who am truly am. So this is my list.. well, at least so far; I still have a lot of growing up to do.

I believe…
1. In the betterment of man. I believe that we can achieve to reach greater feats than we currently have.
2. In the good of people. I believe that everyone is naturally good natured; it is the events in people’s lives to turn them bitter and it is the actions they choose to take, as a consequence of those events (directly or indirectly), that make people “bad”.
3. The glass is half-full. But I also believe that some days the glass gets tipped over and it might take a little while to become half-full again.
4. There is a glass slipper for everyone. I just do not understand why you have to break a few to find the perfect fit.
5. You should always help someone, if they really need it, despite the how much it could cost, and especially if you’re the only one that can. But for the most part, people need to opportunity to find a way on their own, even if there is an easier path.
6. That people need each other. Even if you can live independently of a significant other, you will always need your friends and you will ALWAYS need your family. You will always need someone to pick you up and put you back on your feet when you fall.
7. The human body is the greatest creation ever made, with all of its intricate processes/pieces, even when some things go wrong.
8. Everyone deserves a second chance if they’ve learned from their mistakes.
9. You are given hints every now-and-then to help you on your way. It is your choice to follow them or not.
10. You must have some sense of self. You must know what you truly believe in because without that, you don’t really know who you are. But you should also be open to other’s beliefs.
11. You should always aspire for more. Never stop learning. However, be satisfied with your material possessions and the things you already have learned.
12. True love does exist. I believe that there is that perfect person for everyone; they’re just a little harder to find for some.
13. You can never know or understand all the secrets of the world. And you should graciously accept something beyond your understanding with amazement, instead of being defeated in frustration.
14. I will never face any true trials in my life. There will always be someone in the world that has it harder than I ever will.
15. Some situations do need sympathy, but there are many more that need encouragement to get through them.
16. Everyone does have a time to finish their life on earth and that it is pre-determined without our input. But it does not mean you should do things outrageously dangerous; it’s not your golden ticket to be reckless.
17. You should unselfishly impact at least one person in your lifetime. This will be what fulfills your life.
18. There is a higher being that lets us live our lives and make mistakes but gives us a little push every so often. I also believe that it ultimately protects us, if we allow it.
19. People from our pass, that truly loved us, are watching over us and still love us.
20. People make mistakes. And this is what really teaches us how to be better. Error is human destiny. But, I also believe in “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”
21. You have to let things go sometimes. Don’t hold onto a dream that your subconscious is telling you won’t come true.
22. People contradict themselves everyday. But, somewhere in their logic, it all makes sense, whether someone else understands it or not.
23. Marriage is sacred and should not be considered lightly.
24. There is a reason why each of us are here.
25. You can change the world, if you really want to. You could mean the world to one person and that could be the only part of the world that you’re suppose to better.
26. You should accept people for who they are as long as they are being the best they can be. And that you should strive to have a positive impact on almost everyone you meet.
27. Nothing is ever settled with violence. Violence is simply a method of prolonging a resolution irrationally. It solves nothing.
28. Sometimes you just need to be alone, either to clear your mind or to realize what you really have.
29. Change is hard but inevitable.
30. Everyone will always have thoughts/moments of a 5-year-old, a 10-year-old, and a 13-year-old even when their 110-years-old.
31. No matter how irresponsible you want to be, everyone feels responsibility to someone.
32. Laughter is the best medicine. You should laugh everyday. You should also be able to laugh at yourself and your mistakes.
33. In punctuality. You’ll never be happy if you are continuously play catch-up with your life.
34. Sometimes you just have to let your hair down and jump without thinking about it. Take chances.
35. People will always give you advice or tell you things that you don’t want to hear. And you will continue to ask other people’s opinions until you hear what you want to hear.

36. You should always sing, regardless on what you sound like. A song an change your mood in a instant if you sing it loud enough.


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