they've always told me I should write a book of my random thoughts

Monday, April 18, 2005

Linus' Security Blanket

I am beginning to believe that everyone has a security blanket that they believes hides their true feelings and fears. Kind of like Linus' blue blanket (you know, Linus from Charlie Brown.. who Sally was in love with.) With his secruity blanket, Linus was a genius and could could do anything and could even put up with Sally's woefullness and could out-wit Lucy. But when Linus' blanket, he couldn't do anything; he was almost as careless as Charlie Brown.
Well, I've recently determined my security blanket: my baseball hat. It all started the last time I was sick (and I mean 103 degree fever sick for 5 days); my mama could look at my eyes and tell when my fever just broke or when I when I got a new one and felt awful. I know this might just be motherly instinct, but she one time when she was checking on me, she said "You're eyes just look so sad; there just so expressive." (or said something like that.) And I've learned that she was right because my daddy can tell when I come home and feel bad by looking at my eyes, or sometimes cynthia can tell when I've had a bad day or when I'm pissed off, even if I'm doing my best to hide it. I can change my facial expression so that you might think I'm in the best mood when I've really just had the worst day, as long as you can't see my eyes; if you can see the expression in my eyes, you can tell exactly what I'm thinking, because I can't manipulate it.
So my new security blanket, is my baseball cap. It hides my eyes from people, and thus hides my true feelings, espeically when I'm sad. Because, if I can hide when I'm sad, then I can control who knows and continue to fool others into believeing that I'm just wearing my hat because it's freakin' cute on me. And I'll get through the day.

*side note: my sisters are probably completely shocked that i wrote 3 blogs in 1 day and i can't imagine what comments they'll have on these blogs. but i had a lot on my mind today and couldn't concentrate on things i needed to without getting somethings out of my head. oh, and i had to find a new security blanket after LaLa went into the cedar chest.


Blogger Beth said...

LaLa wentinto the cedar chest?!?

That's what you think- Rebecca and I actually have him

7:25 AM


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