they've always told me I should write a book of my random thoughts

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Life isn't a dream
This is a great quote for when things don't go like you expect them,or how you dreamed them:
"The best-laid schemes o'mice an men
  Gang aft agley
  An lea'e us nought but grief an' pain
  For promis'd joy!"
  - To a Mouse , Robert Burns
translation to recognizable english:
"The best laid plans of mice and men
  Often go awry
  And leave us not but grief and pain
  For promised joy!"

Petty Concerns
      So as the summer is coming to a close, I thought I'd share the things that have changed and the revelations that I have made this summer. About the only things that have changed are that my hair is a little bit longer and a lot more shaggy (much to the future distress of my stylist) and my jeans fit jsut a little bit better. But I have realized more than things have changed this summer. At the beginning of the summer, I was not in a very good mood at school and stressed about things that I thought were matters  of real importance. But instead of staying concerned about these things and keeping in touch religiously with everyone from school, I decided to isolate myself. This isolation made me realize that 90% of the things that happen at school (outside of classes) are stupid little petty things that aren't going to changes my future or alter the universe. So, we didn't make quota this year.... so what? it doesn't matter..... "oh, my gosh, did you see her tacky toenail polish".... i mean really! I have also come to learn that this pettiness can continue as you get older at work. "Oh, no... she thinks she's smarter than me.... well she's wrong"...  well if you're concerned about what someone else thinks so much then she probably is smarter than you. So I have decided that the best solution to these problems is to sit back and smirk at the ridiculousness of them all. Maybe this will be the best year of them all.