Image of God
So I am currently in a Bible study. (You know when people used to tell you that you change when you grow up, well, it's true, you do, even if it's just slightly.) Anyways.. in this Bible study we are studying what holy really means and what it means when they say 'God is holy'. So one of the lessons we were suppose to write down our image of God, who or what we think He is and looks like and sits like and .... so on.
So it made me wonder, does God laugh at us when we do stupid things? Does He have a sense of humor? I mean, we're taught that we are made in His image, and we have humor. We are taught about the WRATH OF GOD and God's mercy and His fatherly affection and His love and all that good stuff that we need.... but does He laugh at us when we stumble? I'm not talking about really big things like murdering someone or worshipping false idols or something really bad that incur the WRATH OF GOD (yes, I hear it in my head as a big booming voice that would impose fear into anyone when they heard it.) I'm talking about goofy things: like when you fall down the stairs and aren't seriously hurt, or you're talking to someone that would like to date and you say something stupid. Things that you would laugh at yourself for doing.
I hope so. I hope He sits up there in His throne with His feet propped up going "Ohhhh... man, I bet that last stair hurt. HA!" Or, "I tried to tell you not to say that. I tried to warn you that would come out as dorky. NERD! HA!" I mean, I know He doesn't want us to get hurt or to start following worldly ideals or anything else that would go against His doctrine, but when we do something clumsy that doesn't hurt us, like when we fall and start laughing. It makes me laugh to think when I do stupid things to know that God is there watching (because we're told that He is everywhere and knows everything) and laughing that I just busted my butt on a patch of ice. HA!